We all know that bullets do damage to a body. But do you really know why? Sure, the bullet makes a hole. But that hole is only part of the problem.
Injury By Firearms – Insider Details
When a Bullet Enters the Body
When I am writing I find it helpful to find information when it is written out in steps. I will do the same for you.
- The bullet enters the body leaving an entry wound. Because skin is elastic, the entry wound may not match the size of the bullet. Sometimes there is a spark at the moment the bullet makes contact with the skin. I have seen this spark take place in ultra slo-mo with large caliber bullets. I don’t know if it happens with all bullets and it wouldn’t be visible with the naked eye.
- The kinetic energy that pushes the bullet into the body follows behind it and blooms as the bullet slows. This bloom creates a cavity, medically known as a temporary cavity, that stretches, distorts, and compresses the surrounding tissue. If the bullet tumbles or oscillates within the body, the potential for damage increases even more.
- The temporary cavity then collapses in on itself and there is a secondary flash known as blast effect. The faster the bullet, the greater the blast effect.
- Smoke escapes from the entry wound.
- The tissues of the body relaxes and a permanent cavity is left behind.
Here’s a video on exactly what a bullet does to tissue. Notice that even though the entry wound looks like a tidy hole, the skin expanded and contracted greatly with the initial impact. It’s pretty shocking. There’s also a bit about bullet proof vests.
Does Being Show While Wearing a Bullet Proof Vest Hurt?
Very yes.
Being shot will wearing a bullet proof vest is not unlike being hit with a baseball bat. I’ve seen video that compares the force of a bullet and bat in which a waterproof vest is fitted on a large jug of water. The jug is left uncapped and then shot. The testers measure the amount of water ejected from the top of the jug as well as the height the water reached. The testers then hit the jug with a rubber mallet then bat. The water ejected is similar to that of a bullet strike.
If your character is shot while wearing a bulletproof vest, they won’t just “shine it on” so to speak and keep going. They will react as if someone just slugged with a bat. And, yes, ribs can be broken and often are. The exception to this is John Wick. He can take a cannon to the chest and cough it off.
Damage Done by Different Guns
Most people understand that different guns do different levels of damage. But that level of damage can be hard to describe because we writers can’t envision it. Here are some examples of the damage done by different guns. This is not what happens to the body but it’s cool to see. Some bullets blow the target to pieces, some split it in half. The slug just demolishes it. RIP to these melon targets. They are the real heroes.
(I love Hickok45 on YouTube. Fantastic resource and just a charming fella.)
Bullets Falling from the Sky
In old Western movies you might see cowboys celebrating by shooting into the air. The scene would have you believing that bullets disappear or perhaps Jesus catches them and puts them in His pocket. Neither are the case.
Absolutely.When a bullet is shot into the air, it climbs until it reaches maximum velocity and then falls. When it falls it isn’t likely to fall into a straight trajectory due to wind. That said, the bullet can still be dangerous. A member of the Texas House of Representatives was shot in the head by a falling bullet. (Very Texas) Thankfully, he survived. (Also very Texas) So, could your character be killed by a bullet falling from the sky?
The Deadliest Weapon of Them All: Master Ken
In our next round on FightWrite.net we will look at the sort of wounds created by firearms. Until then, I leave you with a beautiful disarm by Victor Marx and the perfect disarm by Master Ken. OSS and get blood on your pages!
(1) ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4700838/
(2) statista.com/statistics/195325/murder-victims-in-the-us-by-weapon-used/