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Staph in it’s cute, plush form. |
It’s a hearty little bacterial infection that can cause anything from a small, yellow crusted sore to an all out antibiotic resistant infection i.e. MRSA. And, approximately 25% of folks carry it, regardless of cleanliness, without showing any symptoms. Thankfully, with proper hygiene, contracting Staph is generally avoidable. And, most of the time, a round of antibiotics or antibiotic ointment will do the trick.
If you have characters involved in melee warfare (hand to hand), living in unsanitary conditions or with a group in close quarters, Staph could easily be written in as its own character. In one of its thirty forms it lives as boils, cellulitis, impetigo and general wound infection as well as pneumonia, food poisoning, endocarditis (inflammation of heart tissue) and toxic shock. It is transmitted through both skin to skin contact and contact with contaminated surfaces on which it can live up to 24 hours.
For a setting that pre-dates field medics or modern knowledge of hygiene and wound care, Staph is a veritable gold mine. It can slow down even the most spirited of warriors and leave entire camps dehydrated, weak and altogether ill. But, don’t assume there weren’t treatments. Texts as early as the 10th century show a salve recipe that modern medicine is finding to be a valid anti-Staphylococcal.(Medieval Anglo Saxon recipe to cure MRSA) So, if historical accuracy is your “jam,” you can go ahead and Staph it up!
Staph Symptoms:
– Inflammation: redness, warmth on infected area, swelling, rash, pain
– May or may not present with open sore
– Possible abscesses, blisters or sores with pus formation which may run or appear as dry, honey colored crust
– Can also appear as a burn-like mark (aka Staph Scalded Skin Syndrome)
– Untreated it can lead to fever, chills, sweats, dehydration (in the case of food poisoning), low blood pressure, sepsis and death
It generally take four to ten days after contact or injury for Staph to present. Healing time depends upon severity of wound and infection. It may take an abscess (boil) 10 – 20 days to heal. In some cases abscesses may require draining. And, if an open wound is created, scarring may occur.
Here are some examples of Staph. I’m sorry and you’re welcome. And how ’bout I bid you farewell before you take a gander at these just in case you don’t make it through. Until, the next time at