Intrusive Thoughts Writing PTSD
Insomnia Writing PTSD

Insomnia won’t just make your character yawn. In fact, they may not yawn at all. It will make them feel and seem drugged. Their affect may be flat. Their physical and mental response may be slowed. The character may be easily angered or trigger happy.
Physically they will ache in their bones and their skin may be painfully sensitive. Their heart will pound in their chest and they may be nauseated and unable to eat. If you want your character who doesn’t drink to be arrested for DUI, have him drive during a bout of insomnia.
Insomnia is unfortunately something that is near and not dear to my heart. I struggled with it even as a child. I would get so sick from it I would vomit. Now, one of my eyes will just close half way on its own. I will have one eye open and the other half shut. I get head aches and my heart feels like it is pounding out of my chest. It is misery on steroids.
This is VERY interesting stuff; just the sort of stuff I like to write/ read about ;D
Awww, thank you, Keturah. (hug)