He also put his hands on his face in a way that might not have seemed like much of a defense. In fact, it kinda resembled cowering. But, look again and notice that where Ksos put his hands on the sides of his head allowed his forearms to protect his jaws and neck. It’s a move sometimes called, “answering the phone.” Very smart. Very educated. Zero effort.
True professionals are efficient. They don’t perform complicated moves. They do the most with the least because being tired will get you knocked down, knocked out or worse.
Your character will also tire quickly. The movement of fighting does not allow for a steady breathing pattern. They might even hold their breath. Sounds crazy, but it happens. Both scenarios deprive the body of a steady flow of oxygen and tire a combatant out. Quickly.
So, if you have a skill disparity, you have your hands full. But, it’s doable. The only limits of your work are the limits of your creativity. But, remember, your creativity must be credible. Regular folks off the street will not likely best a professional in hand-to-hand combat. But, “not likely” isn’t the same as “not ever.” Mwah ha ha ha.
Until the next round at FightWrite.net, get blood on your pages.
Thoroughly entertaining and thoughtful. I'm a huge UFC fan, and I'm amazed when things that happen in the blink of an eye are broken down in slow motion and analyzed with complexity. Pro fighters are beasts!
The colors are fixed! You cured them, John! It is really amazing to watch the pros fight. I have a friend that was a legacy middleweight champ and UFC fighter. He is big and he is fast. When I've sparred with him, it has been completely safe. But not for one moment was I not aware that he could demolish me!