To get the mass of my body behind my punch as well as create acceleration, I need rotation in my upper body. That rotation is a result of torque in my hips. That torque (twisting motion) is given speed as well as stability by the pivot of my feet on the ground.
If I chose the right sort of choke, I wouldn’t need to worry about guarding my own neck as my body position would make it difficult or impossible for them to attack me. But, again, their legs could cause some momentum issues. I’d want to wrap those babies up with my own legs.
This is my favorite choke, my “go-to”. This example is from Kent Peters and ZombieProofBJJ. This guy and this channel are great resources for fighting…even though they’re Canadian. 😉 (That’s a joke! Canadians are so nice and Coach Peters is no exception. I’m sure he apologizes to all the people he submits.)
On the podcast that goes with this post, (recorded almost a year after this post was created) I mention the rear naked choke. Here is another great video reference from my buddy Kent Peters. As soon as the Zero G podcast is uploaded, I will attach it also to this post. Also, I will do my own video tutorials at some point. It makes me all uncomfortable and stuff… Stop looking at me!
Very cool. Star Trek 6, The Undiscovered Country, did a scene in zero gravity, where Klingon blood floated around in pink globs which hit the floor with decent splats when gravity was restored. 🙂 The attackers wore gravity boots, which allowed them to walk and shoot without the effects of zero gravity. Smarties. Heh.
Very cool!
I know I'm late to the party due to NaNo, but I do wonder if maybe a lightsaber would make a good zero g weapon. They wouldn't take as much torque as a normal sword or other methods of close-range fighting, which could make it useful in zero G.
I think you are right and I didn't even think of that. My only issue with light sabers is that they are weapons that cauterize the wound. So, you have to make very deliberate strikes that don't rely solely on blood loss. You have to remove limbs or stop blood flow. And no points for slashes which I get far more than sticks. That said, I still want a light saber. In every color. 🙂