If you are trying to decide whether the killer in your manuscript is a psychopath or sociopath, this post will make your …
What Bullets Do to the Body & More
We all know that bullets do damage to a body. But do you really know why? Sure, the bullet makes a hole. But that hole …
Protected: Romantasy Summit Slides
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Fight Write, Round Two Motivation
Hello FIGHTWRITER! If you made it to this page, it's highly possible that you bought my book. Thank you for …
Jousting for Writers
If a joust is in your work, this post is for you. Your jousting character will learn to dress the part, follow the rules …
Blood Pattern Evidence
The CSI Effect is the belief that TV crime shows are effecting the decisions of juries. Jurors have an expectation of …
Protected: Story Embers Conference Notes
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Fighting a Bloodied Opponent
For most of us, bloody battles are only experienced passively from a theater seat or couch. Thank heavens for that. …
Fight Scene Critique With Writer’s Digest
Though my work with Writer's Digest blog, I sent out an all-call for snippets of a fight scene for a fight scene …
Writing Weapons of Opportunity
What should your character do if they are assailed and need a weapon? They should just look around! In this post, we are …
Recovering from Blood Loss
I was recently asked a question by writer Rebekah Sikyta regarding recovering from blood loss. She wrote: If he (her …
Fighting Monsters
More than any genre, I mentor writers of Speculative Fiction. You know, sci fi, fantasy, horror, superheroes, all the …