I am often asked for my best tip on writing authentic fight scenes and here it is: Don’t. As counterintuitive as it …
Write Fight Scenes with Dialogue Realistic?
Writing fight scenes with dialogue: ah, yes, let the controversy begin. There tends to be two camps on this subject. The …
Blocking a Fight Scene – Mapping
Getting anywhere is easier with a map. This is especially true when blocking a fight scene. As a writer, you have to …
Writing a Fight Scene Step-by-Step
Fight Scene Guide Step-by-Step I have always said that I couldn’t give folks a step-by-step fight scene guid. …
Writing Fighting Multiple Opponents
I have been asked many times if one character can beat multiple opponents. My answer is always, “tell me more,” because …
Trauma Responses For Characters
Trauma responses are how we respond to emotional threat. They are generally the result of how we coped with life as a …
Fight Flight Responses for Characters
How a character responds physiologically to a threatening situation is known as their fight/flight response. This …
How People Who Don’t Know How to Fight, Fight?
How do people who don’t know how to fight, fight? I was asked this question by a writer through a book review and am so …
10 Lies About Fighting Writers Shouldn’t Believe
In my years of working with writers on writing fight scenes, there's a few misconceptions that I see in their work or …
Using Animals in Fight Scenes
I get questions on the regular regarding animals in fight scenes. Often I am asked how to combat that. But, recently, I …
An Editor’s Perspective on Writing Fight Scenes
Before our manuscript makes it to the shelf, it should go through an editor. I cannot stress this enough. Editors are …
Fight Scenes with Injured Characters
Where there is a fight, there's generally an injury. And, if you are writing fight scenes, chances are you will have to …