Just as in my last post regarding firearms, Firearms Part I, Handguns, I'm not addressing military grade or anything …
Healing Time
I've been so excited about this post and I want to say first and foremost thank you to my friend Amber Schoech for …
Catapults (and Cow-tapults)
Siege warfare was a Medieval military operation that involved surrounding or blockading a town, fortress or castle …
Improvised Weaponry Part Dos
I've gotten some amusing responses from my last post on improvised weaponry. Yes, I really do look around for this …
Improvised Weaponry
– and so will youHere’s a few non traditional items that can be used for self defense. Some will simply buy your …
Adrenaline – The Un-Sunny Side
I regret not calling this series, "Adrenaline: Your Frenemy." It has a very dramatic, tabloidy feel and when I think …
Adrenaline: The Sunny Side
When the brain perceives danger, it goes to work. It diverts energy and blood flow from internal organs to muscles, …
Staph in it's cute, plush form. It’s a hearty little bacterial infection that can cause anything from a small, …
Behold, the Hunga Munga
If you’re a fan of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” or “Angel,” you may remember this strange looking hunk of metal. It looks …
Blood Loss and Fighting
Our featured FightWriter this month is the wonderful Janeen Ippolito. She asks a bit about blood loss: How much blood …
Firearms Part I – Handguns
Oh, this gal... Bullets, caliber and recoil, OH MY! Bullet - single projectile firing from a …
Decomposition Stages
Decomposition stages as well as the stages of death... Not many know what it's like to die. It's one of those …