About Carla Hoch
Moments before the destruction of her home planet, Carla’s parents jettisoned her and her twin brother to earth. He was taken in by a kindly farmer in Kansas while she was embraced by a rather liberal clowder of feral cats in Houston, Texas.
While still a toddler, she bid farewell to her feline family and headed to Pace, Florida, a small hamlet just outside Pensacola. There, she raised herself in a hollowed-out tree trunk and taught herself to speak fluent Southern, ride out a hurricane like a pro and tell the difference between Coke and Pepsi by fizz alone.
As an adult, she fulfilled the dream of all feral cats and became a Spanish teacher and track coach. After nearly a decade in the classroom, she met a military cyborg who promptly married her and whisked her away to such exotic locations as Virginia and New Mexico. Now, a mother of twins herself, she and her husband have returned to the People’s Holy Republic of Texas and reside not far from where her pod originally landed. About Carla Hoch About Carla Hoch About Carla Hoch About Carla Hoch

Fight Training
Unlike her twin, Clark, Carla found her powers late in life. She was first introduced to them through a Hapkido-based self-defense class. From there she went on to train in MMA, Muay Thai style kickboxing, taekwondo, Brazilian jiujitsu, street defense, Filipino martial arts, judo, iaido and aikido. Carla is a brown belt in Brazilian jiujitsu with Team Tsunami at Global Martial Arts and almost never cries when she helps teach the kids class.
Carla is also the author of the Writer’s Digest/Penguin/Random House book, Fight Write: How to Write Believable Fight Scene and Fight Write: Round Two, Crafting Chaos, Combat and Crime. These fight and crime scene reference guides take writers step by step through their scenes of action, violence and crime.
Fight Write teaches writers about writing fight scenes not only from the standpoint of craft but also the physical and biological factors of fighting. Fight Write also teaches what fighting style is best for your character, which weaponry suits them and how to fight from the back of a dragon. But, wait, there’s more! It also covers injuries, stages of decomposition and the legalities of your character defending himself.
Fight Write, Round Two takes the writer one step further. Divided into three sections, Carla guides you through the many factors you will need to consider when writing your scenes of chaos, combat or crime. You will learn to write a fight scene from the first punch to the autopsy by learning how to block, pace and add just the right amount of blood to your scene. You’ll also walk through the steps of storming a castle and train
ing a character to wield a sword. If your character is getting into the MMA cage, you’ll learn the basics from the first day to the first fight. And, your character is a real killer, you’ll learn what problematic personality traits they might have, how police should question them and ways to show that your character is being deceptive. And, that is just the beginning! You’ll learn about crime scene cleaning, autopsies, fighting alongside an animal companion and how a character with no fight knowledge will fight…or not…

About Carla Hoc